I had my IPL performed at Dr. Palm’s office. I am extremely happy with the results that I am seeing. The procedure went really well. I was given a numbing cream before hand, and had no discomfort. My face was slightly warm for a few hours afterwards. The entire treatment took maybe 15-20 minutes, not including the prep time for the numbing cream. I would do this again in a heartbeat. I also had a Resurfx treatment done right after my IPL, which I will also review. I went to work after the treatments. I had a little swelling the following day, and was provided an rx to eliminate redness, which seemed to work. My skin did feel a little rough for a few days, as anticipated, but that dissipated quickly. For me, I had no real downtime, and no one noticed that I had anything done. My skin is much smoother, my pores appear tinier, and many fine lines seem to have disappeared. I am really glad that I had this done. (See my Resurfx review as well).
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