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Dr. Palm explains what photofractionation is and how it is used for complex skin rejuvenation
Dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Melanie Palm of Art of Skin, San Diego, CA, discusses and demonstrates the use of the Lumenis M22 platform to treat sun damaged skin. The first step of photofractional treatment, IPL (intense pulsed light) is used to remove brown spots an broken blood vessels. The second step, ResurFX laser, is […]
Twenty-three-year-old Tatiana’s life was forever changed when an accidental flash explosion from a bonfire set her ablaze. Since the accident, Tatiana has undergone skin grafting to cover the severe burn wounds she sustained, and the resulting scar tissue left her with a limited range of motion in her neck and lips. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Suzanne […]
For many, the promise of a permanently stubble-free bikini line simply isn’t worth the wrath of a laser that stings like a box jellyfish. That’s why the Rita Hazan hair salon introduced the Light Sheer Duet (from $150 for each of the recommended six to eight treatments). The laser’s vacuum-assisted technology reduces pain (the hand-piece […]
CLEVELAND, Ohio — On March 20, 2013, Meeta Shah was dry roasting flatbread at the stovetop in her home in North Royalton when a tiny piece of burning food floated up out of the pan and landed on her cotton shirt. In an instant, the shirt was aflame and her daughter, then 8, watched in […]
Tanya St. Arnauld talks about her amazing recovery from a vicious acid attack. Having experienced severe burns on more than 70% of her body, she has been treated by Dr. Jill S. Waibel with the Lumenis UltraPulse CO2 laser to regain her range of motion and greatly improve the appearance and texture of her scars.
You don’t have to go to your happy place every time you remove unwanted hair – see how you can remove unwanted hair in a fast, effective and comfortable manner.
Dr. Oz will talk about one of the most unpleasant women’s problems – unwanted hair! If you are tired of shaving, applying wax and a depilator, you may be interested in trying laser removal. But is it safe? Dr. Oz will find out everything!
Watch Dr. Day using the Lumenis M22 IPL for the treatment of Rosacea on ABC’s “The View” show. M22’s IPL with Optimal Pulse Technology gives users the ability to control the pulse shape and provide reproducible results as well as gentler, more comfortable, patient-friendly treatment.